Global Climate Data Registry


The ERACLIM project website can be found here. There are six major work packages associated with the ERACLIM2 phase of the project, running from 2014-2016.

The work packages (WP) are:

  1. Global 20th Century Reanalysis
  2. Future Coupling Methods
  3. Earth System Observations
  4. Quantifying & Reducing Uncertanties
  5. Service Developments
  6. Dissemination & Outreach

The primary activity of the research team (led by MA Valente) at the Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FFCUL) is WP3 - working on the recovery and preparation of historical climate data for input into reanalysis from Lisbon and several other Portuguese locations, including adjacent Islands (Madeira, Azores) and former colonies, Chile (surface data 1950-1958, upper air data 1955-1957), Spanish upper air data from 1912 and also maritime data from the South China Sea (1900-1942). Project partners are also digitising in various locations across the globe.

This website, which holds the global inventory of historical climate data, falls under WP5.

Stickler et al. (2014) discuss the surface level and upper air data from the ERA-CLIM2 project.

data rescue activities map