"; Maritime Data

Global Climate Data Registry

Maritime Data


114 Eraclim ID Original Data Owner Provider Station ID Date Time Resolution Estimated Station Days Comments Link to Data
Start End
Eraclim ID Original Data Owner Provider Station ID Start End Time Resolution Estimated Station Days Comments Link to Data
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 171
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 351
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 96
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 39
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 140
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 98
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 94
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 93
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 242
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 0
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 0
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 0
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 93
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 92
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 92
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 92
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 475
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 0
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 98
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 97
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 430
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 0
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 0
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 143
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 0
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 167
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 0
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 88
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 96
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 94
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 70
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 75
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 17
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 88
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 89
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 108
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 147
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 0
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 99
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 105
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 0
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 126
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 197
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 174
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 43
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 91
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 29
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 30
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 37
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 22
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 138
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 201
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 198
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 198
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 201
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 -9999
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 164
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 230
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 202
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 159
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 202
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 204
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 201
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 198
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 201
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 198
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 202
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 190
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 185
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 190
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 211
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 190
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 85
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 201
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 229
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 201
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 190
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 90
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 5
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 185
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 199
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 200
25/04/2024 25/04/2024 -9999

Maritime Guide

Column 1: ERACLIM Inventory ID
Column 2: Original Data Owner - The original archive that was assimilated into the ERACLIM inventory or the individual's name if provided by a single party.
Column 3: Provided Station ID - Typically this would be expected to be the ship/cruise name.
Column 4-5: Start & End - Start and end day of the record with format YYYY-MM-DD, enter the very first and last day, do not worry about gaps.
Column 6: Time Resolution - Number of Observations per day. For example, "24, 5, 3", would indicate hourly observations and 5 and 3 times-daily observations. If the number varies, enter the highest frequency value.
Column 7: Estimated Station Days - Approximate number of days with data for this record.
Column 8-19: Climate Variables - Indicates with a 1/0 (1 = True, 0 = False) whether the record contains information for a particular climate variable.

Column 20-25: Level - The stage of rescue/digitisation. Formatting is six digits, 1 or 0 for true/false.

Column 26: Link to file - Online access to data if available.
Column 27: Comment - any important comments go here, gaps, known pressure adjustments, suspected inhomogeneities etc...